God's Hip-Hop Paradise
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God's Hip-Hop Paradise presents: http://www.godshiphop.freeservers.com

The CROSSculture Hip-Hop Newzletta

September '99 Issue #4

In this issue:

-Problems Solved
-What's New at GHHP
-Album Pick of the Month
-Holy Hip-Hop News
-Da Secular Aren
-Article: "So Whatcha Want?"

Problems Solved!
Yo! We FINALLY solved all our problems! I wanna apologize ta all Netscape users for the script error that wouldn't let our site show on your browsers for a minute. And much apologies ta any of you that have posted rhymes or reviews from July til now. My computer died, but now it's resurrected (hallelujah!:) So nothin' could be posted, sent or updated. Email me if you sent somethin' and it doesn't get posted in the next couple weeks. Hit the site when ya get a chance in the next couple weeks, cause we're gonna be addin' new features! (Contest?). Thanks for the patience!

What's New On The Site:
-Check the NEW "Da Whole Truth" Section
-New rhymes from Tha Apostle & DJ Eazy
-A NEW review!!!
-Join God's Hip-Hop Paradise Club!!! Chat with other Holy Hip-Hop Heads! Spit a rhyme! Join or start a discussion! Leave a link or two!!! Go to http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/godshiphopparadise

Still on the way: "How to Start a Rap Ministry"

Gospel Gangstaz

The Gospel Gangstaz are finally back with their long awaited 3rd album titled, "I Can See Clearly Now". They have broken ties with Holy Terra Records, the label that put out their first two albums, and our now on B-rite Records. These homies are no fake or wanna-be gang bangers! They're all ex-bangers that were saved and called out of that lifestyle to reach the world for Christ. They have been in this rap game since 1989 and they are poised and ready to make some major noise in the Hip-Hop industry! Get this sure to be hit album NOW! Buy it online and save $4 off the regular price!!! http://www.musicforce.com/mf/content/1,1293,94,00.html?ForceID=312

Holy Hip-Hop Newz:
--If you've had problems requesting The Cross Movement's video "House of Reps" on BET. Here's some hints: Make sure you requestTHE Cross Movement's video "House of REPRESENTATIVES" BET's video request line is (900) 820-4BET ($2.99 per call). Also, call MTV and request the video!
--Gotee Records has released that latest LP from the GRITS titled, "Grammatical Revolution". These homies have gotten much love from the secular industry and have even hosted BET's show "Rap City". Get the album now!
--Grapetree artist Lil Rascul has a new album out called "Certified Southern Hits". If you love that Grapetree sound, then get it!
You can buy all of these CDs at the URL below and save $$$!!! http://www.musicforce.com/mf/content/1,1293,94,00.html?ForceID=312

Da Secular Arena:
-MC Hammer was a part of a huge prayer rally in the San Francisco Bay Area (San Jose). He seems to be totally focusing on God and to be serious about his relationship with Christ. Pray that God would keep leading, guiding, and giving him wisdom in all his decisions, so Hammer can represent God TO THE FULLEST this time!

"So Whatcha Want?"
Here at God's Hip-Hop Paradise it's our goal to give our "regulars" ALL that they want and need in Holy Hip-Hop. GHHP is always tryin' to improve itself and add valuable info and content for your mind and soul. This month GHHP has added a new section called "Da Whole Truth". The purpose of this section is to feed your soul. GHHP wants to feed you the truth of God's Word to help you survive in this world and help you to make it to the end in this race called life. Make sure to check this new section out! Email me and let me know what you think about it and what topics you want to see there. (We might even post an article or two from some of you out there who're interested in submittin' one!) We still plan to have the section "How to Start a Rap Ministry". It should begin to be posted by the end of summer. But GHHP wants to know WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANNA SEE ON THE SITE? WHATCHA WANT? WHAT SHOULD WE ADD? WHAT SHOULD WE DROP? WHAT SHOULD WE KEEP? THIS SITE IS YOURS SO GIVE YOUR IMPUT!
You're gettin' this NEWZLETTA it's cause you're on our subscription list. If you wanna be taken off the list then reply to this and write "cancel" in the subject box. If you know someone who'd like this, then forward it to them!!!
Let me know whatcha want and keep on pressin' on towards the goal! (Philippians 3:13-14)

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